Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Okay I know I'm slightly obsessed with the ducks here. They're just absolutely the most adorable creatures ever. That, and Iceland doens't really have a lot of wildlife - so that just adds to their charm! On March 8, Kris and I each bough huge bags of bread and had a great afternoon making new friends. By the end of the meal, lots of them would even let us pat them!

There were several very impatient ones that would nibble at my legs and knees as soon as they were done swallowing one piece, anxious for the next! It took what felt like no time at all to get through two full bags of bread. There were also a couple of close calls - while trying to get the bread, some of the ducks would slip off the ledge, and their flapping wings would hit us!

Towards the end of the adventure, another guy showed up with hard, crusty rolls. One would grab a roll and run with it - as fast as he could, while being chased by all his friends! It just snowed last night, so their little feet and tails make tracks all over the ice.

The snow here is actually white!
Oh hi there!
Pecking at my leg to get my attention!
Trying the same thing with Kris
Following the trail of bread crumbs
He's getting a little too close for comfort!
The chase is on!!