Sunday, May 8, 2011


Wow - the time has been absolutely flying. It's hard to believe how close to an end this semester is. Yikes.

There haven't been any big adventures lately. Last week was finals week, and I had two exams to write. In between the minimal amounts of studying, we tried to get outside and relax - when the weather permitted it!

Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of life in Reykjavík these days:

April 28 - The sky brightening, 4:30am
April 28 - feeding the ducks
April 28 - new ducks!
April 28
April 28 - the ducks are getting pretty comfortable with me
April 28 - 9:15pm
April 29 
April 30 - Snowstorm!
April 30
May 2 - 15°!!
May 2
May 2
May 2
May 2 - Picnicking
May 2
May 7
May 7 - A duck swimming under the surface!

May 7
May 7 - 11pm... Wow!