Sunday, May 22, 2011


Well, the little country is in the news again - another volcanic eruption started last night just before 7pm. By 9pm, the ash plume had reached 65,000 feet. This year's eruption is much bigger than last year's; however, this ash is much bigger (or denser?) and falls to the ground more quickly, so scientists are saying that disruptions shouldn't be too widespread - which is good, because my flight is on Wednesday!

In the first 24 hours of this eruption, Grímsvötn produced more ash than the entire Eyjafjallajökull eruption!

We went to a high point of Reykjavík to see if we could see the ash plume, but the sky was just hazy. However, my friend Eddi is living in the south this summer, so I've borrowed a few of his pictures to show how quickly it spread!

One hour after the eruption started
5am... should be bright as day outdoors
Footprints in the ash!
Ashy roads
Ashy cars

And here are some more, from the Globe and Mail!

Footprints in the ash!
The plume
Finally, the Reykjavík Grapevine has a neat photostream available if you want some more ashy pictures!

Update: As of Wednesday, the volcano has ceased its activity. At least, according to Is an Icelandic Volcano Erupting!